Friday 12 June 2015


Welcome to my first blog post.

I invite you to join in the neighborhood walk this coming September on Saturday 12th - look for poster information in local stores within the neighborhood (Yonge-Lawrence BIA) and at Locke Library (the local library) in the month of August.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

•  Meeting Place – start of walk:  Yonge Blvd Parkette 3444 Yonge Street
  (9:30am – 9:40am)

Walk site stops include...

•  Continuum Wellness:  3402 Yonge Street  (9:45am - 10:05am)

•  The Raw Juice Company:  3345 Yonge Street  (10:20am – 10:35am)

•  Lawrence Park Animal Hospital:  3158 Yonge Street (10:50am – 11:05am)

•  Locke Library:  3083 Yonge Street  (11:20am – noon)

   Keynote speaker at Locke Library will be Dr. James Maskalyk, author of Six Months in Sudan
  For more information, click on following link Six Months In Sudan