Sunday 26 July 2015

Health Awareness (Part II)

Nutritional Facts...

I am becoming more conscious about what I eat (no I am not quite junk food free yet but am exercising better decisions in what I pick up at the grocery store).  Seeing that we will be visiting Raw Juices on our walk - focusing on the nutritional benefits of fruits and veggies, it seemed fitting to bring up a nutritional green Moringa Oleifera I recently came across in my health related adventures.

I know my first reaction was 'what', 'ehm who'?

Here are some facts on Moringa Oleifera:
* Moringa leaves have been used as traditional medicine and in the Ayurvedic System of medicine have been said to cure ~ 300 diseases!
* A tropical tree with leaves that are rich in protein, calcium, iron, Vitamin C and Vitamin A
* 1 gram of Moringa (green powder) = 2 x Protein of yogurt
                                                            = 4 x Vitamin A of carrots
                                                            = 3 x Potassium of banana
                                                            = 4 x Calcium of milk
                                                            = 7 x Vitamin C of oranges

There are some side effects linked to Moringa....
* The Moringa fruit, leaves and seeds are thought to be safe to eat - however the Moringa root may contain a toxic substance that can cause miscarriage, paralysis (click on side effects tab on link below)

* Always check if Moringa will interact with any medications you are on before intake
* Like all things - take Moringa in moderation and keep a balanced diet (click on dosing tab on link below)

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