Thursday 6 August 2015

Health Awareness (Part III)

Creativity ... Simple Solutions Lead To Healing

Anyone who has dislocated or broken a limb knows how debilitating it can be.  Movements that were once taken for granted are limited in function.  The simple action of brushing one's teeth, combing one's hair, and yes even cooking/ eating or writing become next to impossible.  If the limb is a leg or a foot - well then there's a lot of hobbling involved.

Yes I have been through this ordeal (an event very much in the past thank goodness).  Along with the pain, the pain killers, the visits to the doctors and physiotherapists comes the multiple casts and braces.  Braces can be costly so when a creative alternative makes its way to the market as a possible option - I think wow great idea!

I have been fascinated with the whole 3D printer notion.  I think it has tons of potential.  The simplicity of using a tool that can become common mainstay to create the ingenious ideas we can come up with is fabulous.  One such idea is the creation of personalized braces to help heal limbs using 3D printers... see link...

There are endless possibilities to the level of creativity we can bring to the forefront.  Chances to heal humans and animals in a personalized way.

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