Friday 14 August 2015

Health Awareness (Part IV)

Heart Health

The Heart is an important muscular organ.  It pumps blood through the circulatory system and supplies the cells of our entire body with oxygen and nutrients and enables the removal of metabolic waste such as carbon dioxide from the cells.

In the spirit of heart month, the Ontario Pharmacists Association has put together a list of tips to help keep our hearts healthy...

These include:
  • Learn how to do CPR and First Aid together as a family.  
  • Cut back on sitting time and try walking to various activities.  
  • Take a daily walk with your loved ones - incorporate three 30 min walks per week into your schedule.  
  • Make fast food a treat, not a regular occurrence.
  • Make a commitment to start cooking heart healthier.
  • Try one new vegetable every month. Not many folks know what an artichoke is at the grocery store and when they pick it up have no clue what to do with it... well try googling it!
  • Snack healthy.  I am beginning to like those celery sticks (no kidding).
  • Put friend/ family exercise time on the schedule.  Scheduling exercise makes it more likely to happen. Tennis, walks, biking, hiking, playground trips...

May your heart stay strong ... enjoy your activities... and see you at the community walk on September 12th!

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