Wednesday 2 September 2015

Health Awareness (Part VI)

Heat or Ice ... When to use which to reduce injury pain

I play tennis and as a result sometimes am very much 'in touch' with the various muscles and joints in my body.  The aches and pains remind us to pay attention to limbs/ muscles when we over use them or exercise in extreme conditions (like the really hot summer days we experienced over this glorious recent summer).

I don't know about you but I tend to get confused about when to use heat or ice to treat what ails me.  So here's a little blurb about it...

Rule of thumb...
Use cold for acute pain or a new swollen/inflamed injury.
Ice helps relieve inflammation or pain after exercising.  One should not ice for more than 20 minutes at a time.  I tend to use an ice pack wrapped in a towel to help reduce swelling at the wrist or elbow after my tennis marathons.

Use heat for chronic pain or an injury that is a day or more old.
Heat helps dilate blood vessels and increase blood circulation.  If you have an ongoing injury apply heat to the area before exercising.  I tend to use a hot water bottle or a hot damp cloth.

Other suggestions for helping with sports injuries, headaches, arthritis, strains and sprains...

Note the above does not replace seeking medical advice for serious injuries or chronic pain.

I hope this helps you make your choice on whether to turn to heat or ice when you are in pain.  Learning what our bodies need helps promote good health.  Here's to enjoying our fun filled active days...

The walk is coming up soon... looking forward to seeing you on September 12th!

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